Thursday, November 25, 2010

REPORT: November 25, 2010 - THANKSGIVING DAY

Both T. OCEAN and I woke at the same time this morning, well before C. LEV. So after shaking off the sleep, I sat down on the small cushion I use to meditate and placed another next to me encouraging T. OCEAN to take a seat to my right. He did. And continued to listen and understand when I prompted him to fold his legs over - just like we do in yoga - then rest his hands upon his knees. He did. He lost me on the breathing part, but followed me in his own 3 year-old mind when I said, "now let's say 'thank you for'...and 'thank you to'...the sun, the sky, Grandma and Grandpa, Nonno and Yaya, everything we have, the ocean....and there began his long and joyous list of animals who live in the sea. When I failed to repeat "sting ray", he reiterated it several times, eyes gazing upward at me waiting until I said, "yes, sting ray".

It was a start.

And it was sweet to me to see what it is my son thinks of when we say "thank you". Today, I am grateful for the ability to walk down to the beach TWICE; to spend some of the day with my love; and all of the day with my little boy who will, eventually, grow up and find other wonderful people to celebrate the holiday with - there's no doubt he'll branch out.

On the first visit out around noon, I noticed that the beach had been meticulously cleaned - not a shred of seaweed in sight. The posted 80 degrees was puzzling as it felt remarkably colder by at least 3 degrees - my body now accustomed to sensing water temperature fairly accurately. But by the second visit around 5:00, the water actually seemed warmer! The sun having almost set, however, kept us on shore.

Well, if we don't have our families nearby, at least we have each other -- and the beach.

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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