Saturday, June 12, 2010

REPORT: June 11, 2010 - Friday - 7:00pm

OBSERVED: Fair - Clean

COLLECTED: clean, dry seaweed and sand

The beach was pleasantly cleaner this evening. And even though I did pick up trash strewn around the upper, sandy area - most of it was from what people had probably left throughout the day: plastic wrappers, bags, flip-flop, lighter. The remaining seaweed along the shoreline had lessoned and appeared to have very little debris trapped within it.

We headed out later in the evening (7 - 8) to purposefully avoid the intense heat, making it easier to impose a "no swimming today" rule upon T. OCEAN. His sea lice bites are finally subsiding, and it's worth making him wait another day or two before we get in the water again. He made the most of it by running and playing and throwing sand everywhere. It would have been nice, however, to go in and swim - the water was 82 degrees and still very clear. Soon enough...

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