Saturday, June 5, 2010

REPORT: June 2 - 3rd, 2010 - Tuesday & Wednesday

No news.

Thunderstorms and lightening keep us away from the beach.

T. Ocean gets super stir-crazy & wired. I get sleepy and blue.

I finally received a return email from both Surfrider and Volunteer Florida. Turns out, Volunteer Florida isn't organizing anything yet -- "Because oil has not reached Florida’s shores, volunteer opportunities with the oil spill remain limited."

A weird response considering their own website shows various FL Counties beginning to organize and plan ahead for clean-up. All except Palm Beach County, where I live. Funny how this is one the wealthiest Counties in Florida, and there was no sign of early organizing efforts for beach clean up. With that in mind, I contacted Surfrider who is heading up efforts for Marin County. They had some information on early efforts and are a reliable resource for coastal clean-ups and keeping tabs on the overall health of our oceans.

I can't help but wonder if FL couldn't be better prepared? I keep getting the feeling that there isn't any sense of urgency that we may be seeing some oil here. Only in that we're loosing tourists' dollars. We'll see. For now, I'll do my own little part and clean what's in front of me -- helps me sleep at night.

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