Tuesday, June 8, 2010

REPORT: June 8, 2010 - Tuesday - 3pm

Observed: Holy Sea Cow!!!!! We swam with a manatee today!!! (Almost) nothing else was really all that impressive.

Collected: some shells

That's right - the water was warm and super clear. After swimming for about an hour, we spot a very large dark shape coming up in front of us about 10 -15 feet away. No fin came out of the water, but we picked T. OCEAN up and out of the water just in case. Then, running along the shore-line we followed the creature north until we saw the manatee's snout come up and out for air. I ran further up to tell the 2 kite-boarders to keep a lookout not to hit him (or her...). Then we went back out into the water and got a closer look. How huge, and graceful, and FAST! If you look closely in the picture above, it's the dark shape just below the small-crested wave in the top, right corner.

And shortly after that, my favorite sea hawk flew overhead. It's gotten quite about bigger since last year, and the wing span looks close to 2-3 feet! It dove in for some fish. It's amazing to watch it above and then dart down quickly and accurately on its evening hunt.

What an awesome day for being outside. Even the weather, as hot as it is, was as close to summer perfection as it gets.

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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