Thursday, June 24, 2010

REPORT: June 24, 2010 - Thursday - 4pm

OBSERVED: fair - clean

COLLECTED: plastic bottle cap, seaweed, sand, shell

Today's ocean was like yesterday's - heavy chop, strong shore break, hardly any seaweed either in or out of the water, and only a few pieces or trash. In fact, had I picked up yesterday's like I planned, there might not have been any today. Only a plastic water bottle (always water bottles...a strange irony in my opinion), a broken piece of foam cup, and 2 bottle caps. Not too bad, really.

Again, T. OCEAN and I played the "Slip-N-Slide" along the shoreline neck-deep in sea foam. Again, we were flanked by families who lost personal items trying to wield their bodies against the tidal blows. Glasses, goggles, and a swim trunk went flying never to return to them. Even we were out of luck this evening when a little yellow ball we had been tossing around in the waves went under only to be swallowed into the white froth. I generally feel pretty bad when this happens. Not because we can't replace it (like perhaps glasses or jewelry), but because we have inadvertently contributed to the ocean's pollution. It's not quite the same as the cigarette butts left by the thousands all over the sand. It's not that deliberate or apathetic. But it ain't great either.

We'll try again tomorrow as the currents should be calmer. Except we'll keep the next ball well above the tide line.

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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