Monday, June 7, 2010

REPORT: June 7, 2010 - Monday - 6:30pm

OBSERVED: fair - clean

COLLECTED: seaweed, sand, several shells and a piece of crab's shell

After work I stopped by the ocean only to wish that I had been wearing my swimsuit. The water was so warm, clear and calm; and even though thunder could be heard coming from the north and gray skies loomed overhead, it was incredibly beautiful out. The recent rain had increased the humidity and perfumed the air along the dunes and grasses. There was some trash to pick up, but not too bad. Plenty of small shells and scattered seaweed, and no sign of the orange foam bits from two days ago.

There's a very large piece of driftwood, probably as tall as I am, that is well-hidden off a path that is slowly becoming overgrown with saw-grass, reeds, tiny plants, and succulents. Today I had a chance to take a picture of it.

While walking the beach, I thought about something my Jamaican neighbor once told told me when recounting how there was a tremendous amount of seaweed washed up on shore. She said, "Oh, the ocean's just cleanin' itself. That's how I 'tink of it, ja know. It's just cleanin' itself from all the muck en junk. It's a good 'ting."

And with that thought, I wonder, how will the ocean clean itself if there's oil in it? What would that end up looking like? Can the ocean clean itself - just like that? Well, I do love the idea of the ocean "cleanin' itself" - like it's got it all under control...

Probably a lot better than we ever will. And that's a great thing.

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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