Tuesday, June 22, 2010

REPORT: June 21 & 22, 2010 - Mon / Tues - 5pm-ish

OBSERVED, both days: an enormous amount of trash

COLLECTED: nothing

It makes sense that there was more junk entwined within the seaweed since the currents were picking up. Still, on both of these days, I made at least 3 trips back and forth to the trash can dropping in everything from shoes, plastic utensils, bags, wrappers, to bottles, rope, and fishing line...all the usual suspects really. Today, I found these white flats nestled neatly above the tide line with not a woman in sight to claim them. They were filthy and judging by the sand in them, had been there for a while.

T. OCEAN now notices trash on his own, and leads me by the hand to show me so that I may pick it up. This is not a job I want him to do, so I am happy he asks me to intervene on his behalf. Finding and picking up debris isn't something I've made a point of, but it's instead become something he has noticed ME doing, then emulates. It's a good thing , I think, even if it does mean he's often yelling "trash" on the various walks around town, or in places I would not expect to either find trash, nor hear a tiny voice belting that word out at random. At least he is beginning to see that those things don't belong where they are, AND we can do something about it.

Today, the ocean's waves were heavy and long near the shoreline. We made the most of it floating up and down the incline into the deeper water. The few surfers and paddle-boarders did not get much of a break, however, as it was a good chop to contend with. Sometimes it's nice to feel that the ocean is in change - her force, if respected, can be a lot of fun to play in. After 3 hours splashing around today, T. OCEAN is finally sleeping soundly. Yes!

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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