Saturday, June 5, 2010

REPORT: June 5, 2010 - Saturday - 4pm

Observed: fair - clean; some trash on shore, water clean; strange orange and green foam bits along shoreline; above-normal amount of soft sea sponge along shoreline

Collected: seaweed, sand, sea sponge of various shapes, shell pieces, orange foam bits, and a small pile of trash (fishing wire, plastic cups and bits, drink pouches, broken plastic bottles)

Green Flag! The swimming was awesome with a light chop, clear water, 79 degrees. T. OCEAN felt comfortable enough to hold his own and would make little swims into waves on his own. Every time a big wave came and hit him, he would exclaim, "that was so much fun!". The bright orange (and some green) foam bits are odd and disturbing since they were trapped in seaweed up and down the shore line.

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