Wednesday, July 14, 2010

REPORT: July 13 & 14, 2010 - Tues/Wed

OBSERVED Tuesday: a puzzling amount of strewn drink bottles all over the beach (about 10 altogether); osprey flying over, pelicans, lots of tiny fish and bits of seaweed in the dark green water.

COLLECTED: nothing

OBSERVED Wednesday: predicted rain, with clouds just the south pressure me to keep our swim time all too brief. We made it home only for me to realize that we were in fact gypped, short-changed on our daily beach run. No rain after all; our day feels off after that.

COLLECTED: nothing

And as scientists and BP operators work to solve the still gushing oil, I read this today, Tuesday:

As of Wednesday, the 85th day of the disaster, between 92 million and 182 million gallons of oil had spewed into the Gulf.

Next time I hear of threatening rainstorms, perhaps I should just let us stay out until the rain is upon us.

Tomorrow. For now, we have tomorrow. I look forward to it!

Little Mama Sea Keeper

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