Friday, July 9, 2010

REPORT: July 8 & 9, 2010 - Thurs & Fri - 6pm

OBSERVED: a fairly clean beach, both days

COLLECTED: seaweed

Two great days of swimming. Today was calmer than yesterday. Only one plastic bottle was found and thrown out on each day. Nice!

The newest news about the Gulf is that Texas is not (yet) affected from the oil disaster which I heard two days ago. The oil found there was not from this particular gusher. Best not to jump to conclusions I guess.

Today we saw three different birds feeding - pelican, gull, and that same blue-ish crane. The pelican and gull came darting out of the sky, plunging into the water for fish. The crane feasted on sand crabs. It seemed like thousands of fish were swimming all around us, there were SO many - jumping out of the water and in huge schools. The birds had a bounty of offerings tonight.

And T. OCEAN and I had more than an hour to do nothing but float around the warm south Florida Atlantic. So awesome.

Little Mama Sea Keepeer

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