Sunday, July 25, 2010

REPORT: July 23, 2010 - Friday - 6pm

OBSERVED: so much trash!! still rough surf conditions; plenty of families out enjoying the beach

COLLECTED: nothing

After several days of continued rough water, the ocean has belched up the dredges of rubbish castoffs -- broken bits of Styrofoam litter the seaweed-lined shore instead of sea shells. In what amounts to probably a mere 100 feet of expanse, I pick up well over 20 bottle caps. And of course, the usual suspects as well - bottles, broken plastic shards, weird medical tubes of liquid. In spite if the debris, the sand has been carved away by the heavy shore break, and has left a winding pattern worthy of an ink painting - ribboned and extending well beyond my sight-line. The ocean as sculptress.

Little mama Sea Keeper

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