Saturday, July 17, 2010

REPORT: July 15, 2010 - Thursday - 5pm

OBSERVED: drink bottles, plastic, debris - enough to fill a shopping bag; birds overhead, stronger rip currents, great swimming

COLLECTED: nothing

Upon approaching the beach, I overhear an adolescent boy telling his father - "Dad, Mom just called and she said that the cap worked. They've stopped the oil well. It's plugged."

Indeed the plug is still working, although ultimately it may be a temporary solution until the relief well is finalized. It is a much-needed reprieve though; a welcome to so many, and a chance to catch our breath and for the sea creatures to catch theirs.

Today at the beach I began making some quick watercolor sketches - something I can only do when C. LEV is around to help watch T. OCEAN. They play, I paint for about 20 minutes - enough for me to feel a small sense of satisfaction.

When I arrived home, I received a letter in the mail from The White House. It was a response from our president, Barack Obama, to a letter I sent him back in mid-June, five weeks into the oil spill. My heart was heavy with it, and I felt compelled to write him (something I had not done for the past president even during my experience in NYC during 9/11, nor as a New Orleans resident after Hurricane Katrina).

Even though his is a generic response letter not specific to me, it was signed by Barack Obama on White House letterhead. I plan to put this away along with my letter in T. OCEAN's keep-sake box for a time when he is much older.

For now I remain, your,
Little Mama Sea Keeper

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